
functional lab testing

As a naturopathic doctor, I’m trained to look at labs differently than a conventional doctor. Too often I’ve heard patients say that their labs came out “normal” while their symptoms continue to persist.

When looking at labs, I don’t look at if you fit within the range. I look at where you are on the range, where it’s trending, and how each component of what is being tested is connected with each other. I look for patterns and relationships, not just one number.

I use comprehensive and cutting edge labs to help diagnose and find the root cause of what is happening.

Common labs run include the Dutch hormone test, GI Map stool test, Mycotox urine tests, OATs test, micronutrient panel, and comprehensive serum tests from Vibrant America.


NATURAL medicine

Nature’s way of helping us heal.

Through gentle yet effective & evidence based protocols, I use herbs and micronutrient therapies to help facilitate the natural healing process of the body.

I frequently use therapeutic doses of herbal medicine paired with vitamins and minerals as a targeted approach in balancing hormones, healing the gut, building stress resiliency, and to optimize health.

Sometimes the approach is light, sometimes the approach is more heavy hitting. Either way, the goal is never to have you be on a lifelong cocktail of supplements. The goal is to get your body to a place where it can function optimally on it’s own.


Lifestyle medicine

At the core of naturopathic medicine is the principle of your determinants of health being in order for optimal health. This includes optimizing your diet, sleep, movement, bowel function, hydration, and stress management to set you up for a long and healthy life.

While it may sound simple, lifestyle medicine is powerful. Most chronic diseases are a byproduct of poor lifestyle. I want to help prevent you from getting to that point. That’s why I focus heavily on lifestyle optimization to help you meet your health goals.